Primary display history in DeltaV 8.4

Hi all,

I am trying to remove some graphics screens from DeltaV 8.4, however when reloading operate I get warnings that DeltaV can't find the graphics in the location they used to be. I have done some digging, and it's because they are stuck in the main history list. If I unlock the list and let it update they drop off, but restart operate and the list appears locked again with them back in the list. Can I gain access to the history anywhere to delete them manually?



  • Chris,
    The customization capability of DeltaV Operate includes loading the display list. In DeltaV Operate configure mode, look in the Standard directory for a picture named:
    <workstation-name>_Settings.grf, with <workstation-name> replaced by the name of the workstation.
    On the right-click menu of the picture, selecst Edit Script, and search for "History List Picture". The comments explain how to set up the preload of the display list, so you can figure out how to remove the displays that are no longer in use. You could either comment out the lines with the old pictures or replace the picture names with current pictures.
    Good luck!J.D.
  • In reply to JDWheelis:

    Brilliant, worked great!

    Many Thanks