Help Us Name Our New Service!

Lifecycle Services is developing a new service that will be released for sale in a few months, and we need your help coming up with a name that’s both descriptive and catchy. Leave a name idea in the comments to participate…


Tentatively called the DeltaV Upgrade Bridge Service, the new service is designed for customers who are running DeltaV version v11.3.1 on their system and won’t be able to upgrade before the end of the Conventional Software Support (CSS) period ends in December 2016.


We received feedback from customers concerned about the risk of not having DeltaV hotfixes and not receiving Microsoft Security Updates tested by Emerson after this date. We listened — and we have designed a service to bridge the gap between the December 2016 end-date for CSS and the point in time a customer can upgrade to a more recent version of DeltaV software. This bridge of support will offer three additional years of DeltaV hotfixes, Microsoft Security Update testing and virus protection.


Now, we’re turning to this DeltaV community to suggest a better name. Please submit your name ideas below. Or if someone else suggests a name you approve of, you can “like” that comment to show your support.


Here is some more information about the new service that you can consider when brainstorming on a new name:

  • Benefits for customers running v11.3.1 include:

–      Greater flexibility for upgrade planning and implementation

–      Reduced risk of cyber security issues

–      Peace of mind knowing critical DeltaV issues will be addressed

–      Easy one-hop upgrades from v11.3.1 to v12, v13 or v14

  • Service Deliverables (Guardian Support enrollment a pre-requisite):

–      DeltaV hotfix support for critical issues

–      Testing of Microsoft security patches

–      Virus protection


Some of the names that have been considered so far are DeltaV Sustain, DeltaV Maintain and Bridge 11. If you like one of those names better than DeltaV Upgrade Bridge Service — or have a new name to suggest — please let us know!


Thanks for your support and input! We look forward to seeing a lot of great ideas.

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