DeltaV OPC to CIMIO (DMC, Aspen)

Aspen CIMIO treats uncertain data as BAD so any uncertain data shows bad in DMC. If gathered with COLLECT the uncertain (or bad) data is replaced with -9999. Is there a way to force DeltaV OPC server to pass uncertain data as GOOD status (that's the desired behavior, use uncertain as good)? I know this could be done in the DeltaV module itself with custom code...   On our Honeywell ESVTs (have tested this) uncertain data on the LCN shows as good when retrieved remotely from OPC. I don't recall if this is just the default behavior or a configuration switch but in any case would like to get the same behavior from DeltaV. Any experience with this? 

  • What I have done for these cases, is to configure an output floating point parameter "without status" specifically for this scenario. If you have more than a few points, it would probably be better to configure a new module with as many output parameters(mapped to the data you are after) so that you won't have to make changes to existing modules.
  • Are you using OPC Mirror to pass the data? You can use custom scaling in the item definition in Mirror to configure an alternative status and write to the .ST parameter of the same field.
  • In reply to gxmontes:

    Thank you for the reply. I understand your suggestion... when we set up the DMC controller we can use a custom CV interface module to force the status and read from that, similar to what you suggest (building these anyway to hold information written from DMC). However when running the collect routine we may pull in say 1500 parameter values so not practical for that. The preferred answer of course would be for CIMIO to handle the status in a better way or allow configuration. Thanks again.
  • In reply to AdrianOffield:

    No to OPC mirror. Not familiar with that? We are connecting to the DeltaV OPC server on one of the App stations via Aspen CIMIO. According to Aspen there's no option in CIMIO to use uncertain as good. So far I have no indication that this is an option for the DeltaV OPC server either. May be stuck handling case by case as suggested by "gxmontes"
  • In reply to Don Zentz:

    Can CIMIO be written to from an OPC client? If so then Mirror could be used and solve your problem.

    If not you could use a third party OPC broker to massage the data before CIMIO reads it. Many options exist, Kepware, Matrikon etc.