Honeywell Experion

Has anyone had any success reading to Experion and writing from Experion through a VIM module on floating point numbers. I think I have the read worked out but am having problems with the write.

3 Replies

  • In reply to Marty Werner :

    Since no one has responded, I'll try to help. I have no experience with Experion (no pun intended), but I have used VIMs with floating point values. Please discribe the problems you are having with the write and I'll see if I can help.

    Control modules reading VIM data sets can be in any DeltaV controller.

    Control modules writing to the VIM data sets MUST be in the same controller as the VIM. The first thing I would do is make sure your write control modules are in the same controller as the VIM. If that does not fix your problem, I'll need you to give a lot more information than "...having problems with the write."
  • Hi I had a similar issue before with some third party controller (not honeywell). I could read but not write. I found that my controller did not support modbus functions 15 and 16, so i had to set "output mode" to 1 in dataset configuration.