Network trasanction error

Error number: -2147212502(8004232a) A network transaction is in progress

During process operations suddenly this error comes on screen...with skip one nd skip all

Finallly need to end workspace and start again.

Can someone experienced this error ?

Help me customer is very angry for such error on ops.

5 Replies

  • What is the DeltaV version and workstation hotfix bundle installed on the system?

    There was an issue with a hotfix bundle for v10, v11, and v12 where the hotfix bundle caused this error.

    The solution would be to update the workstations to the latest hotfix bundle (hotfixes are available for all impacted DeltaV version). If you have access, please reference KBA NK-1400-0220.
  • In reply to Ray Emerson:

    Delrav verion is 10.3.2

    And hotfix installed

    Is there any updated hotfix for 10.3.2??
    Is kba NK-1400-0220 is related to 10.3.2 version hotfix?. Sorry i dont have access to kba.
    Please provide me ...
  • In reply to bhushan619:

    have you done any changes before this problem started?

    Niklas Flykt 

    Klinkmann Oy

    Key Account Manager safety products

  • In reply to Niklas Flykt:

    As i have to create New critical alarm in Motor add alram with critical1 priority. Changed si global that thr.alarm table for one 12 no value red color changed to gray. Then save.
    And download EWS.and all operator stations
    Also takes trial for color change in that motor module dynamo.
    And after 2 days,we face this problems on one of opertor staion.

    Thanks nd regards
  • In reply to bhushan619:

    so the problem is only appering in one operator station?
    Check if the network is working correctly in this station also see if you have the same horfixes in all of the stations, not just the proplus.
    Did the changes work in all of the stations?

    Niklas Flykt 

    Klinkmann Oy

    Key Account Manager safety products