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MD plus 9.3 controller with 9.3 DeltaV

I' m using 12.3 version with MD-Plus Controller (9.3) and facing very slow update rate on my control modules .Can any one explain what was the reason of this delayed response ?

2 Replies

  • Saim,

    you have to upgrade your Controller and IO Cards. MD+ with Rev 10 and before 10 are very slow in DeltaV 12.3 and after Upgrading, the problem will be solved. please go to below address:
    1.Win Start Menu
    4. Controller upgrade utility

    please be careful in upgrading and note to system message and advise.

  • In reply to Pouya:

    Can you clarify what you mean by 'very slow update rate'? How are you observing a delay (graphics, equipment control, etc).
    You may want to check to ensure your controller isn't out of processing time or memory by looking at FREMEM and FRETIM in diagnostics. Also, look at the HPCOnTime parameter to see if high priority modules are not being processed 100% on time.
    If your controller is running into resource exhaustion issues, patching it may need to wait until your re-organize your controller module assignments , as the newer firmware may add additional overhead and excacerbate the problem.