DeltaV Version 9.3 wants XP service Pack 2

But I have service pack 3, it is an older install but I have the USB key and all CD's

How do I get around that problem


  • 9.3 may not support SP3 so do not install it on a 9.3 susyem.  The SP2 files shouild be on the DeltaV DVD someplace so you can install it from there. PLEASE call your local DeltaV support office for help with this. They are there to help with these types of questions.

  • SP3 is supported on 9.3.1, but as an installation over SP2, check article AP-0900-0040.

    However, I don't think 9.3 will install directly onto straight XP SP3; you'll need to install 9.3 onto standard XP and then upgrade to SP3.

  • In reply to AdrianOffield:

    We experienced confirmation that 9.3 will NOT install directly onto XP SP3 multiple machines at various times attempted just to confirm.