"(63) RT_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED" in on-line mode

I am getting the error in the title, "(63) RT_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED", when trying to write to parameters in control studio in on-line mode from the PROPLUS. I am not getting this error on any of the PRO stations, only on the PROPLUS.

Notes of interest:

1) All areas are assigned to the PROPLUS. I am able to make changes to all modules and classes in offline mode and save and download them with no problems.

2) These are writeable parameters in on-line mode(for example simulate for a DI block) and as mentioned above there are no issues writing to them from the other work stations using the same user accounts. These parameters do not have any extra security locks on them.

The error message says possible causes are the module's area is not assigned to Alarms and Events  or you do not have parameter/field security access. As stated above, neither of these situations is present. I am truly lost on this one.

Does anyone know what else could be causing this issue?

3 Replies

  • If you use watchit (start--run--watchit) do you get the same result? Also try the 'may I' option when writing to get more info.

    Have you downloaded changed setup data for the Proplus?

    From the about menu of any deltav application, you can check current user key access as well.

    It sounds like the 'restrict on line changes' option is set, but if all areas are assigned, then your proplus setup data info hasn't been scripted properly.

    Youssef El-Bahtimy | Systems Integration Technologist

    PROCONEX | 103 Enterprise Drive | Royersford, PA 19468 USA

    Proconex Office: 610 495 2970 | Cell: 267 275 7513


  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    Well, after working on some other tasks for a few days and then coming back to the PROPLUS today the issue seems to have magically resolved itself. I do not believe anyone has worked on it since then so I do not know how.

    I did not get a chance to try watch it while the issue was still active but the set up data for the proplus had been downloaded(one of the things I tried to attempt to correct the issue before). Perhaps, it was some sort of temporary condition.

    I am however, still getting bad integrity intermittenly for the alarms and events on the PROPLUS. It will switch between "BAD" and "GOOD" every few seconds. When it goes to "BAD" it reads the following message for the Server Error: "Failed to Update Current Dataset Information."

    I am not sure if this issue is related to the problem I was having last week or if it is a separate issue.

  • In reply to Steven Estes:

    Hi Steven,

    I am facing the same problem with my online view in the control studio. Did you get the solution for the problem?