Continuous Historian Datasets

Hello Forum members,

I'd like to know the difference between exporting and Backing up datasets in Continuous Historian. Are there any pros and cons?

1 Reply

  • That is a good question. I view the Backup as a disaster recovery tool, intended to restore operation of the historian following a hardware failure or such. The exports provide flexibility on how you can use the datasets.

    The backup is something that can be scheduled and capture the most recently collected data. The Exports can happen automatically but only when the current data storage reaches that 10GB limit, exporting and deleting the oldest dataset making room for a new active dataset. Manual exports are needed to secure the more recent history. So the value of the backup is to secure the recent history in case of a need to recover the data. The Exports provide flexibility in where you might register and view the data, and also to create extended datasets.

    The way I see it anyway.

    Andre Dicaire