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DeltaV Live : Interaction border for GEM


On our DV Live Display we have a GEM on top of other.

 As shown in the screenshot below, each of the V1-SIC-X is one GEM.

The GEM with RESET button is placed on top.

However on trying to click the RESET button, the interaction border of the GEM below get activated.

This happens even though the cursor is on the RESET button.

 Is there a way to avoid this? How to ensure that the GEM below is not activated.




Navin Singh


Navin Singh

2 Replies

  • Hi Navin,

    DeltaV Live was designed considering that graphical objects may eventually overlap, and interactions configured in those will need to be resolved. The system will execute the interaction at the highest Z-level in the graphic. Since a GEM is a graphical element that belongs to the display, its interactions will resolved according to the Z-order in the graphics. Books Online explains it like this:

    If elements with configured actions overlap each other on a display, multiple interaction regions are created at the position where a mouse-event occurs. If the same (e.g. Click) mouse-event is configured for interaction regions that overlap, the top-most element in the z-order performs the behavior.
    I am not sure what object is clicked to make the Pump Initialisation GEM visible, but once is it visible, the GEM is part of the display and will behave according to the note above.
    Have you considered using Contextual Displays instead of GEMs for that "pop-up" message about pump initialization? Since objects in a contextual display are in a different graphic, the interaction areas won't overlap and won't activate. The same action used to make the GEM visible, could be used to make the Contextual Display visible, resulting in this behavior:

    I hope this helps,

    Camilo Fadul | DeltaV Solution Marketing Director


  • In reply to Camilo Fadul:

    Thanks Camilo,

    Yes, that seems to be a good solution.

    I will use a contextual display instead of a GEM.


    Navin Singh


    Navin Singh