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Error: There is not enough memory to perform the operation (Simulate v14.FP2)

Good afternoon,

I'm getting the error "There is not enough memory to perform the operation" when trying to download a control module in a Simulate. 
The problem also happens when I try to download ProfessionalPlus Station.
Does anyone know the reason for this error?

I am using version v14.FP2
This error wasn't happening, but the program grew a lot and I don't know if there is any memory limit for the Simulate.

If it is valid information, in the Freemem field of the Simulate I find the value 1077708.

If you have information on what could be causing this error, and if it is something related to memory limitations per license type...

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

  • Is this a Simulate Stand alone, where you are assigning and downloading to the Pro Plus? Yes there is a limit on allotted memory for modules.

    Simulate multinode supports Pro Plus and Application Station simulate controllers, physical controllers and VIrtual Machine controllers. The SimulatePro license is available to increase the PRo Plus and Application stations to handle 4 times the module capacity. The Physical and VM controllers have a fixed memory size.

    If you are running Simulate Standalone, you will have to reduce the number of modules assigned such that the download will pass. If you have MultiNode, you can add a SImulatePro license to increase the allowable download size.

    The Fremem diagnostic is no longer valid in v14 and the %Capacity values should be used to understand the loading of CPU, Communications and Memory in physical controllers. The diagnostic remains but is not an accurate reflection of capacity. Diagnostic capacity numbers in Virtual Machines are not supported and will not reflect actual loading that would result in a physical controller.

    Andre Dicaire