Message now showing parameter .CVS value in message on DV Live


I have a named set with values None (0), RO-1001 (1), RO-1002 (2), and RO-1003 (3), but in my message when I set the parameter with that named set and add the field of .CVS, it shows 'RO_skids:1' when I was expecting the named state to show up. If I use the .CV field instead of .CVS, it shows '1'. Any idea how to show the string value?

  • I ran into a similar issue when I was tasked with generating an event entry for all discrete device state changes driven be automated phase logic. What I found is you can't write the string value (*.CVS) unless the name set option you are reading is set to "User Selectable". In my case I was trying to read the EDC/PV and write it's string value to the event log. I found setting the EDC/PV name set to user selectable was a bad idea and resulted in unreliable state change behavior in simulation. I ultimately had to create an identical name set for each unique EDC/PV name set, set the identical name set to "user selectable", assign it a parameter within each control module, and then I could write the EDC/PV to the parameter value, and read back the parameter string value. The other option is hard code IF-THEN-ELSE statements to sort through the name set integer value and write the desired string value back rather than trying to read it from the name set.
  • In reply to Jesse Delanoy:

    In this case, the named set values are all already user selectable.
  • In reply to rhamlin:

    Check the download status of the controller the module is assigned to. You may need to download changed setup data.
  • In reply to Jesse Delanoy:

    That worked. Thanks!