Numeric Data Entry "Fetch Limits from the Data Source" - frsNumericDataEntry

How does the "Fetch Limits from the Data Source" option work in the Numeric Data Entry wizard? Where specifically is it reading the limits from? The help documentation doesn't explain and there is no documentation that I can find for the underlying function frsNumericDataEntry. 

  • I believe this uses a communication layer algorithm that locates an applicable Scaling parameter on the module.

    There are three possible names:

    The scaling parameter must be at the same level or path as the parameter it applies too. In a PID block there are two scaling parameters. PV_SCALE and OUT_SCALE. The PV parameter uses PV_SCALE and OUT uses OUT_SCALE

    There is no SP_SCALE. No problem. The function will return the PV_SCALE for SP.

    An AI Block has OUT_SCALE. So AI1/PV ends up using OUT_SCALE.

    For a user defined parameter called VALUE, create a parameter called VALUE_SCALE at the same level in the modue.

    If no scale parameter is found, I think 0-100% is used.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thanks very much Andre. Exactly what I was looking for.