DeltaV Explorer HART Device Configure Missing

We have two DeltaV System IDs.  On the ProPlus on one system, we have the option to configure a HART device using a limited version of AMS, without having an AMS license.  However, on the ProPlus on the other system, this option is not available.  We are logged in with administrator rights on both systems.

There might be other ways to get to this option, but here are the steps that we use:

  1. Log on to the ProPlus.
  2. Open DeltaV Explorer.
  3. Starting with the Physical Network, drill down to the Device you would like to configure.
  4. Right-click on the device to open the contextual menu.
  5. Select "Configure".

Here is the context menu on the system that does not have the "Configure" option.

How do I get to the "Configure" option on the system that does not show it?