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Double Precision input to DeltaV via EIOC (ModBus TCP)


I am pulling data from a power meter of a substation into a DeltaV Ethernet I/O Card (EIOC) via ModBus TCP. One of the registers from the device is a Double Precision register. The issue is DeltaV does not support Double Precision values natively. I was thinking of pulling in the Double Register through two floating point registers and doing some math on the bits in order to display the correct value, this might need to be done through the VBA of DeltaV Operate, or ideally in Control Studio. However, I am unsure if this is the right path to take.

If this is the correct route to take, are two floating point registers ideal? I was also thinking of changing the registers to 4x16-bit unsigned integers to try and make use of boolean fan blocks, since boolean fans are limited to 16 inputs.