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When using CHARMS AO (HART 7) with a Fisher DVC is there any limit to the HART information that can be obtained? 


3 Replies

  • Within DeltaV, you are limited more to the cyclic data that is standard for any HART device in DeltaV. These would be things like the 4 HART variables and the 4 slot variables that some devices are capable of.  (Books online has an article titled "HART communication with the DeltaV system" that covers the DeltaV components.)  However, if you pair DeltaV with AMS, there is no limit to the HART information that can be contained. AMS will have Fisher DVC DD files preloaded and be able to read all of the HART data that is exposed.  DeltaV also supports setting up device alerts from HART data also.

    That being said, is there something specific related to a DVC that you would like to see or are having trouble getting out of the device?

  • In reply to Matt Forbis:

    Matt, thank you for the information. This is for a new project where we will be using CHARMS, foundation fieldbus among other protocols. We will be using DeltaV 15 with AMS. We have used foundation fieldbus previously for interfacing valves (DVC) and transmitters. We wanted to confirm that the same information would be available via CHARMS (HART) as with foundation fieldbus.


  • In reply to rk914:

    In that case, yes. DeltaV IO and HART is full featured and as capable as fieldbus in terms of configuration and diagnostics. There is a probably a wider list of devices supported by HART than Fieldbus at this point.

    Generally the same information will be available through DeltaV and AMS for both HART and Fieldbus Devices. It is all up to individual device manufacturers as to what is included in each Device Definition file, along with model of device and capabilities (for example a Rev 1 DVC might be different than a Rev 2 of the same model).