How CurrentImage Animates Bitmaps

How does "CurrentImage" animate bitmaps in DeltaV Operate?

I see that in the alarm banner there are bitmaps that are being animated by changing the value of CurrentImage. If I'm in DeltaV Operate's edit mode, I can just right-click the bitmap, pull up property window, and change the value of CurrentImage - which gets an appropriate change in what the bitmap looks like. Between this and other tests, I know the value of CurrentImage can manipulate what these particular bitmaps look like. (attached image to help show the bitmaps that I'm referring to)

However, I don't see how to make my own animate-able bitmaps. Or even less how to edit the image associated with "CurrentImage = 7" with this existing example bitmap. Are these special bitmaps with layers or something? 

Do I need to make a layered bitmap in some other program and import them into DeltaV? It's all very confusing.

  • Refer to Modifying the Alarm Banner Icons in Books Online. This has step by step instructions how to do exactly what you are asking.
  • In reply to KeithStThomas:

    Thanks for the quick response! I don't see "Modifying the Alarm Banner Icons" in Books Online. I'm working on DeltaV 14FP3, if it makes any difference.

    I do see a section called "Changing the alarm icons", which gives a lot of information. I believe I understand what is being said in the document, but there *has* to be something I'm missing.

    From what I understand:
    Each icon on the alarm banner has its own bitmap object, and each of these are tagged to a different element in the "DVSYS.THISUSER/FALMS[]" array.

    The integer value of what's animating the bitmap object (in the above image it's "DVSYS.THISUSER/FALMS[1].F_PRI") is converted using the AlarmIconPriority table, but the output of that table just seems to be another integer (maybe this is where I'm mistaken?). So CurrentImage is still just receiving an integer (that's basically 3 lower than the priority value). I don't see how this integer value makes the bitmap look different. I can reliably change the integer value being fed to CurrentImage and see the look of the bitmap change, but I don't understand how this integer maps to the different look of a bitmap. The best guess I have is that these individual bitmaps have different layers that the integers are indexing?

    I apologize if I'm missing something obvious.
  • In reply to Michael DeLatin:

    I am using DeltaV v13.3.1, but realize now the help is in DeltaV Operate Pictures Help, not Books Online. Open a graphic in DeltaV Operate Configure, then Help | DeltaV Operate Picture Help | Help Topics. Search for Modifying the Alarm Banner Icons. You are correct that AlarmIconPriority table is just converting an integer to another, but also shifting the values down by 3 too. ie Priority 4 will be converted to 1, Priority 5 will be converted to 2, etc. This is to align the 12 priorities up with the 12 bitmap images loaded into a single bitmap object. You can only view one bitmap at a time by changing the CurrentImage propery of the bitmap. Values 1-4 are all the Advisory Icon, 5-8 are all the Warning Icon, and 9-12 are all the Critical Icon.

    You can change the CurrentImage Value to 7, then right click the bitmap and Load Image | Primary... to change the image for index 7. I would recommend testing on a copy of the alarm banner graphic to ensure it will behave as you expect before rolling out onto your live system.

  • In reply to KeithStThomas:

    This worked for me. Thank you for your help! The key missing piece of information for me was Load Image -> Primary.