Improvement suggestion: Internal references feature

DeltaV currently has a references tool, but it only shows external references. It would be useful to be able to see all references to a parameter within a module as well. For example, looking through a large sequence to see wherever a parameter is used.

4 Replies

  • Suggestions like this should be logged at Emerson UDEP site

  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Thanks for sharing the link Matt! I always wondered how end users can send enhancement requests to Emerson, aside from logging a call with the GSC.

    , excellent idea for an enhancement request. The find references tool is an essential one indeed, however, it does not capture references within the module or references established via Dynamic Referencing. I get by via opening the control module export (for internal references) or the entire db export (to include dynamic refs) in notepad or a third party text editor such as editpadlite (for bigger files, more advanced search features).
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    Thanks, didn't know there was a place for stuff like this. I've submitted the idea there.
  • In reply to chrisslattery:

    Good request Chris. I really think DeltaV could use a much better search / reference tool that allows for the use of any parameter to be found. The easiest method to find where a parameter is used in a complex EM is to make a copy of the EM, delete the parameter, and then check the EM for errors. I have made the request on that one before at the UDEP, so better luck on your request.