DPV1 devices - any advances without AMS?

I'm working on integrating a new device into an existing profibus subnet in our DeltaV 14.3.1 system, running all PKs. After struggling with a lackluster GSD, the vendor told me they 'require' DPV1 communications with the device.

My understanding of the DPV0/DPV1 mismatch leads me to think that I can still access the cyclic process data in DeltaV, which only supports DPV0 comms. I've read pages/discussions here that allude to AMS being the only means to access DPV1/DPV2 level information, but the most recent thread I can find is from 2019. Have there been any advancements in the space? Additional I/O hardware, some type of inline converter card, anything? The folks who spec'd and purchase the equipment for this project did not realize that PB DPV1 in the equipment model actually has meaning in the I&C space, so I'm trying to find a workaround.

