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Access Problem to OPC HDA Server


using HDAprobe.exe in proplus station I try to access to our OPC HDA server but i always get the same error called "Failed to obtain the IOPCCommon interface Error Code = -499253215 (0xE23E0021)".

Maybe the main reason can be that our proplus station stores only the alarm&events data but application station stores only historical data. However,when i try to use Matrikon or Kepware to connect OPCHDA server in application station,

these programs(matrikon and kepware) can't find my OPCHDA server called  "DeltaV.OPCHDAsvr.1" in application station. On the other hand, using matrikon or kepware in proplus station also i get the same error as i get in HDAprobe.exe.

Please, Help me to solve this problem !

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