In a Pinch with Disposables?

We recently had a customer inquire about flow control to their disposables chrom skid. Their manually operated pinch valve on the disposable tubing was inefficient and provided poor flow control.  We were able to provide a solution that automated the pinch valve through actuation and a digital valve controller for precise control of the process.  An added benefit was the ability to characterize the digital valve controller to meet the process needs and diagnostic capability to monitor the health of the valve assembly as well as digital communication feedback to the host system.    Check out the solution

Share your flow problems and solutions that you've seen for disposables. 

5 Replies

  • Chris, where is Fisher having success in single use space?  Also, how is product get to market - solely through oem space?  Thanks! Dave

  • In reply to DaveAnderson:

    Dave, so far we have had success in the OEM space.  Matthew Hoven presented a success story along with one of our OEMs in single use at Emerson Exchange last year.  However, we have introduced this product to both OEMs and end users and have received lots of good and useful feedback on our product.  I've definitely seen single use as a growing trend in the Life Sciences industry which makes sense because of the benefits it can provide to pharmaceutical or biologic production.  We want to make sure we're offering a product for this emerging trend to provide the same high quality level of control that you could receive with a traditional sanitary control valve in a stainless steel system.

  • In reply to Janine McCormick:

    Janine - Here's a picture of the valve in action at Emerson Exchange last year.  

  • In reply to Chris Amstutz:

    Thanks for the photo!  I missed out on Exchange last year and didn't get to see this in person.  Are you still using this skid that the Life Sciences group built up for demo purposes if people need it?

  • In reply to Janine McCormick:

    Yes.  The skid is pretty popular and it's been to the IFPAC show in Baltimore last January and is scheduled for Interphex in NYC and Emerson Exchange in Dusseldorf in May.  Then a european road show before back to  Emerson for Anaheim, CA in the fall.