DeltaV Operate Chart vs Embedded Trend and Historical Data


Is it possible to use the Chart object in DeltaV Operate to get historical data for a defined point out of the continuous historian?  I know the embedded trend object does this; but I would like to use the chart object instead.  This is because the chart object has more options to customize its appearance than the embedded trend object. (Such as grid line options, pen width options and so on).  I just cannot seem to get it to pull historical data from the continuous historian.

Thank you,


  • Hi Dave,
    Unfortunately, it is not possible. The chart object accesses the real-time database and does not have a historical data access capability. It is likely possible, however, to use 3rd party activeX trending objects that connect to OPC HDA sources if you want more variety. Of course you would want to test these and evaluate them for any adverse performance impact, especially when opening new displays.
  • In reply to Aaron Crews:

    Thanks Aaron, I was afraid that was the answer. I am hoping that we get a wider variety of embedded trend options in v13 (sparklines, radar plots, etc)

  • In reply to dave_marshall:

    If you are looking to craft some overview displays and dashboards, Executive Portal is an interesting product for that, and it has some alternate visualization options. For version 13, the main new dynamo is a new SFC and PLM dynamo that will show you the steps and transitions through a sequence. Not the type you're looking for but I think it will be very useful. I know the team is always looking at new data visualization methods, including things like sparklines. It's relatively easy to build bullet charts and things of that sort as well utilizing the existing library. In our research and experience, things like vertical bars can actually convey information more effectively than radar plots, which can suffer from radial projection issues (which distort the intuitive magnitude of the values).
  • In reply to Aaron Crews:

    Executive Portal is a bit higher-level than what I am thinking. I have been working through the "High Performance HMI Handbook" and am trying out those concepts.

    Thanks again