The definitions provided in the manual are absolutely useless (Below I copied them out the manual)
Can you please post the definitions of the items below?
Proportional Gain—the proportional gain for the travel control tuning set. Changing this parameter will also change the tuning set to Expert.
Velocity Gain—the velocity gain for the travel control tuning set. Changing this parameter will also change the tuning set to Expert.
MLFB Gain—the minor loop feedback gain for the travel control tuning set. Changing this parameter will also change the tuning set to Expert.
Integral Enable—Yes or No. Enable the integral setting to improve static performance by correcting for error that exists between the travel target and actual travel. Travel Integral Control is enabled by default.
Integral Gain—Travel Integral Gain is the ratio of the change in output to the change in input, based on the control action in which the output is proportional to the time integral of the input.