DVC Feedback


Please tell me how to get the feedback of a DVC6000 HART communicating, through the HART network I get this?

I could verify that the DVC6200 is an out for this feedback....

Regards !

  • Hello Javier,
    If you have a level HC or higher DVC 6000 HART you should be able to get the travel feedback over HART with a HART capable card on your DCS, HART modem or other device. Exactly how to get it depends on the HART master that you are using. In most, there should be some option to select which HART variable is returned. You can set the 2nd, 3rd and 4th HART variables in the DVC setup - one of them should be travel by default. If you select that variable in your DCS, you should be able to get to the travel feedback.
    Good Luck!
  • In reply to Nathan_McCormick:

    If your system AO card does not support HART communication you can consider using a WirelessHART adapter on the DVCs and collect the data using a WirelessHART gateway connected to your control system using Modbus/RTU, Modbus/TCP, EtherNet/IP, or OPC. You can access all the valve diagnostics using this same infrastructure by connecting ValveLink

    The same wireless infrastructure can be used for pervasive sensing around the plant to improve reliability and maintenance productivity, energy efficiency, process operations productivity, and reduce HS&E risk. More is explained in these articles:

    NEW: Beyond the Control Room

    Second Layer of Automation

    Maintenance with a Hart

    Smart Sensing: Situational Awareness

    Are you sending people in harm's way?

    Wireless for Asset Uptime

    Make sure your wiring installation is good to ensure reliable HART communication. Digital HART communication is more demanding than analog 4-20 mA with respect to cable type, shield, grounding, capacitance, length, and separation from power cables etc. If you are using 4-20 mA/HART with a system continuously polling for device diagnostics and internal device variables, make sure to follow the recommendations found here:
  • In reply to Nathan_McCormick:

    Thanks Nathan !!
  • In reply to Jonas Berge:

    very good information, thanks
    explain a little my architecture:
    all instruments are first connected to an electronic marshalling, with 4-20mA+HART Charms, it communicates via Ethernet with DeltaV S- Series, Do not lose the HART capabilities?
  • Javier,
    There are various means to get HART feedback from DVC.

    ·         If connected with HART Passthrough system, HART command 3 will provide travel feedback

    ·         If it is old legacy system, than you can use TriLoop or HIM kind of devices to provide travel feedback.

    ·         If you are using DVC6200, than there is option to get AI (4-20mA) from DVC, which is completely independent of positioner signal.

    If you need more help, let me know.
    Riyaz Ali,
    FIELDVUE Instruments.  Celebrating 1,500,000 units sold worldwide
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  • In reply to Javier:

    DeltaV analog I/O cards support HART so you can get the actual position feedback without using multiplexers or wireless adapters. Just make sure the installation is done properly as explained above.