Dear All
We have problems with two level transmitters 5400. During a day "Strength Signal" can change from 6000 mV to 150 mV.
When "Strength Signal" near 150 mV transmitter loses a level time to time. It happens every day.
We've done:
1. Reset the transmitter to a default settings and reconfigured it.
2. Cleaned the antenna many times.
3. Checked a connection between a flange and a transmitter head - no moisture and dirty.
4. Tried different configurations - the same situation (foam, turbulent, foam + turbulent , different the "Product dielectric", different the " Tank type" ).
5. Tried different thresholds from 400 mV to 50 mV, but the transmitter loses a level time to time.
1. The walls of the tank are made of concrete.
2. The high of the tank is 4600 mm
3. The tank contains produced water from a refinery plant.
4. We don't use a stilling well.
On the tank we have two level transmitters 5400 and their behavior is the same.
What can we try more?
Below are screenshots of transmitter:
In reply to Ingemar Serneby:
In reply to Sergei: