Hi admin, we have installed redundant OPC server in on of our side.
here is the issue we faced now.
before the error occurred, I compiled all logics followed by reconciliatio.
after that, red flag indicated on each controller drops and these OPC server as we passed on some points from logic to other 3rd party system via OPC
when I try to load the 2 OPC I encountered the below error message
<OvSysPtUserObject.cpp.8304> [External]: (Object not loaded)
<OvSysPtUserObject.cpp.8684> [External]: (Failure during point load)
<OvSysPtUserObject.cpp.8998> [External]: (Error (6) from PEDITAdd, OpStat = (7), ErrNum =(4))
<OvSysPtUserObject.cpp.8994> [External]: (during load of object "4NR011C002A01_PV", key (45148), SID (0x8000aa8e))
may I know how can I troubleshoot this issue? The point name shown above keep changing while performing another loading operation
Hi Eugene,
I likely need some more information before one of our Subject Matter Experts can assist. For example what Ovation release level is your system (and perhaps what is the third-party system).?That said, you question suggests you are getting the error when you are loading the OPC server. If so, have you consulted the OPC Tools User Guide (CON_016)? This user guide walks the reader thru step-by-step installation and configuration instructions. Ovation end-users can obtain this user guide on the Ovation Users' Group website.
In reply to Greg Schirm: