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Market for Industrial Control and Factory Automation, including #MES, expected to grow through 2020

The emphasis by market players on energy saving and efficiency improvement is driving the market, with other market driver factors like internet of things and services integrating manufacturing and engineering, country and government impetus to manufacturing activities and shifting manufacturing base. Organizations are now adopting technologically advanced and smart manufacturing activities to utilize the resource optimally.

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2 Replies

  • Good Introductory article Brian, I recently attending a EMIS training in Baar and was delighted to hear that "Pervasive Sensing" that is Emerson's answer to Internet of Things in the Process Automation and Control Industry. Would encourage the team to learn more about this from our wireless team...

  • In reply to Mohammed Zuhair:

    Hi Mohammed, that is a great point about Pervasive Sensing being Emerson's answer to IoT.  Do you or anyone else have an example of a company that is planning a Pervasive Sensing installation for any type of application or industry?