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Nameset displaying value instead of Name in A&E

I have a Nameset which starts with numeric (eg: 40A and 40B) When i change 40A to 40B the A&E records as NEW VALUE=40B , OLD VALUE=1 instead of NEW VALUE=40B , OLD VALUE=40A.

Does anyone knows why (any reference) and if it is possible to have it record as per what i wanted? NEW VALUE=40B , OLD VALUE = 40A.

3 Replies

  • This is the same information that you will see in PHV. So my guess is that this not an A&E but more DeltaV Alarms and Events in general.
  • In reply to Lun.Raznik:

    The A&E server acts independently of the PHV Alarm and Even Journal, though both handle the same source information. The PHV description was enhanced in v13 or maybe v12 to record both the new and the previous, or old value. On my v14.LTS system, the change of SP_D on an EDC block shows New value = 1, Old value =0, instead of New Value = START, Old Value = STOP.

    I'm thinking that if your configuration is writing to the .CVS as a string, the CHANGE event message may be using the String that you wrote, but is reading the previous value as .CV which is returning a number. I agree it would be expected that the data format be the same for both parts of the message.

    I suggest you log a call with the GSC. This should either be a known issue or you need to log the call to bring it to their attention. They can confirm the reason why the datatypes are different and why both do not have the expected string. You can then request that this be addressed.

    If you ask that the message always have the same data type for new and old values, this would be achieved by forcing both values to always be integer. Hmm. Be careful what you ask for in making your request.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    We looked in to this a bit further yesterday and confirmed that the value recorded in PHV (on v14.LTS) will reflect the datatype used to write to the parameter. Writing a 1 will record new and old values as integers, while writing a string will show strings.

    However, in all cases, the new and old values have the same datatype in the description field of the Event record. In this case, you are observing a String for New but an integer for the old value. Does PHV show the same thing or does PHV show both values as strings? The reason I ask is that if both locations show the same data formatting, we know the issue is from the originating node. I would then want you to confirm what version of DeltaV you are using, and applied hotfixes. I tested on on DeltaV Live, WS15 hotfix. WS18 is currently available. In any case, I would encourage you to log the call with the GSC to determine if this is a known issue that has an existing resolution.

    If PHV is recording correct Datatypes, but A&E is not, I would also recommend you log a call. Confirm that you have the same version/installed WS hotfix on the workstations and Server running A&E, and update all to match. If the issue is resolved by applying the latest hotfixes, then all is good.

    The Event Journal historian and the OPC A&E server both subscribe for the same User Change event messages generated by workstations, based on assigned Plant Areas. It is puzzling to me that PHV would be different than the A&E data, but then again, I don't know exactly how the data is formatted. For instance, if the message contains the index value with a Named Set reference when a String is used, and the receiving server is responsible for inserting the matching Named State string, it's possible that the Event Journal was updated to update both the New and the Old values to corresponding strings, but the A&E server was not and only updates the New Value (which was the only value recorded in earlier versions of DeltaV) and the additional Old Value = x portion of the message is not handled by the A&E processing, leaving it as an Integer. Totally guessing here. But the point is, if PHV and A&E are not recording the same thing, that will require a product hotfix to address.

    Andre Dicaire