We are evaluating a SMART MCC interface to a DeltaV DCS.
Currently I have an MX Controller that is tied to M-Series conventional I/O Cards on 8-wide carriers, for all the req’d motor controls (along with all the instrumentation I/O). We also have a VIM2 module connected to it as we have a few devices that we will communicate with over Modbus TCP (DeltaV being the client).
If we went with a SMART MCC, I was wondering if replacing the MX Controller/Carrier with a PK Controller/Carrier would be the optimum solution and do the trick (the DeltaV is a v14.3.1).
The idea would be to replace the MX with a PK and tying the PK to the SMART MCC network that we would be interfacing with over an EthernetIP Protocol.
One of the main questions I have is, how would I then handle the Modbus TCP devices? Can I natively talk Modbus TCP and Ethernet IP with the PK? I.e., can one port on the PK be set up to communicate with the SMART MCC over an EIP protocol and another port on the PK Carrier be set up to talk to devices over Modbus TCP (or is it an either/or)? Or would I need a separate VIM or EIOC for the Modbus TCP network? Can I even hang a VIM on a PK Controller? Its white paper says a VIM2 is supported I thought, but I don’t know how you install a VIM on it (it didn’t look like you could put any connectors on the left). Or would I have to get a separate EIOC?
Further to that, can you please clarify the 6 ports that the Carrier comes with (i.e., P01-P06). We were looking into just a single PK Controller (non-redundant controller). BOL mentioned the left set of ports is the ‘primary’ side and the right is the ‘secondary’ network. Does this mean if we were to only have one PK Controller, that we would only have access to the 3 on the left side? Can you have a simplex PK Controller be tied to both a primary and a secondary network (and a EIP network and a Modbus TCP network)?
Im trying to figure out the most effective DeltaV solution with minimal hardware, for our above needs (an EIP and Modbus TCP network on same DeltaV controller). Dont have any experience really with the PK and the documentation is not very clear to me.
Thanks for the help!
In reply to Nathan Hunt:
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire: