Servers do not have PS/2 ports or parallel ports. Will require the use of a USB DeltaV dongle Environmental

Dear Friends 

During selecting a server as a PPLUS from Dell Workstation I was faced by Mentioned sentence in subject ( Servers do not have PS/2 ports or parallel ports. Will require the use of a USB DeltaV dongle Environmental) what does it mean?? where is DeltaV dongle Environmental.?  can this server be selected as a PPLUS??

Thanks in advance

  • In reply to elber:

    Thanks for your Response Daer Elber , could you explain me more??
  • In reply to Amir :

    DeltaV used a Parallel (Printer) Dongle in early versions of DeltaV, Most system if upgraded along the way have converted to a USB dongle. The note when reviewing the Product Data Sheet is saying that you will need to convert the dongle if you already have not done so. So short answer if you already have a USB dongle then you can use this server as the ProPlus, if you do not have a USB dongle you will either need to contact your Local Emerson representative or select a different computer.
  • In reply to Amir :

    DeltaV used a Parallel (Printer) Dongle in early versions of DeltaV, Most system if upgraded along the way have converted to a USB dongle. The note when reviewing the Product Data Sheet is saying that you will need to convert the dongle if you already have not done so. So short answer if you already have a USB dongle then you can use this server as the ProPlus, if you do not have a USB dongle you will either need to contact your Local Emerson representative or select a different computer.
  • In reply to David Miscisin:

    many thanks for your comprehensive response