DeltaV Live Layout

I have created a layout file. The screen is 24in with 16:10 aspect ratio.  When it opens in Live it does not stretch to the edge. I'm using a remote session and my monitor is 24" 16:10.  There is basically a big area on the right side that is not filled. It is however loading the correct layout file. So, that's a plus.

  • Is Live open in full screen or window? In window, there is an additional title bar that reduces the vertical size available to Live. This will result in a "slice" of space to the right than can't be filled and still maintain the aspect ratio. But I wouldn't call this a "Big Area", so maybe you have something else happening.

    Can you post a screen capture, maybe reduce the resolution of the jpeg. Hard to tell what the issue is without seeing it.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    I opened Live on a workdstation in window mode and the Windows task bar was locked. The combination of these two areas result in a reduction of vertical height and leaves Live with a significant vertical bar to the right of the screen, at least an inch wide on my 24 inch monitor. I modified the Task bar to auto hide and opened in full window and all is fine.

    If you open live on the Operator desktop, it should open full screen without a task bar and fill the screen. Let us know if this is what your are experiencing.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Well, i feel a little stupid now. Turns out my monitor is 16:9... I reopened a RDP session, changed it from full screen to 1680x1050, put in full screen and all is well. Almost.

    I still have one thing.. my layout contains a main display frame that is centered set between two banners. I have the display frame pulled to the left and right edges of the screen edge. I have a display that is set to "FIT TO DISPLAY FRAME" But, I have white bars on the left and right side. Does the "FIT TO DISPLAY FRAME" only fit to one direction? I was expecting for it to stretch vertical and horizontal. This would be ideal since screen layout can be different, so there is no reason to expect the displays to always match the display frame size. I also expected this was supposed to be part of the appeal to using vector graphics.

  • In reply to TreyB:

    Both the screen in the layout and each graphic have options to "Lock Aspect Ratio." Look in the Geometry property group of the screen definition in the layout and in the Size property group of your graphic. When checked it will maintain the aspect ratio and may result in less than perfect alignment of the graphics but will maintain the relative appearance of the elements.
  • In reply to TreyB:

    Did you try "Reset Layout" after going to full screen? I've seen Live have similar issues and then cleared up after resetting the layout.

    You can also ensure you displays are sized the same as this area you have defined by clicking the "Fit to Display Frame" drop down in the Size property group and select your layout and Main display area. It could be using a different Layout than what you are using.

  • In reply to Scott Thompson:

    Scott: I should have mentioned that. I did not have the aspect ratio locked in the graphic (display), therefore it should be able to stretch to fit the display frame.

    Matt: That works. However, it does not satisfy my needs. For instance, different screens are going to have different toolbars, etc. Therefore, I would want the display to fit different sizes of display frames. I thought that this was the whole idea of being able to be more independent with regards to resolutions and graphics sizes. One of the selling points for Live.
  • In reply to TreyB:

    It only works for that display and now other displays you open have the same behavior as before? When I have seen this, after reset layout all the displays work as expected.

    If you are experiencing or think it isn't working properly, log a call with Global Support Center.
  • In reply to Matt Stoner:

    I'm not sure I explained myself fully. Let's say I have Graphic1 as a display. I've created it to match the size of DisplayFrame1 which is 20x14. My layout for this workstation uses DisplayFrame1. I have another workstation that requires a different set of toolbars, so my main display, DisplayFrame2, is 18x12. So, making Graphic1 match the size of ONE display frame,.. doesn't resolve the issue because I am going to be opening Graphic1 in different sized display frames.
  • On each station you will find file with this extension ".layout", the location is D:\DeltaV\DVData\Graphics-iFix\Local

    In this file you can configure how to display the graph for each station differently, I use it to connect to the remote station with a different screen size, also you can add the toolbar, Alarm banner or Main pictures.
  • In reply to Nabil BOU:

    That's the point. I will have a different layout for each workstation, but the graphic doesn't stretch to fill the entire display frame, even when FIT TO DISPLAY is chosen.
  • You are seeing letter boxing. The displays will fill to one direction and maintain their aspect ratio.

    In display frame of layout set the color to your background color standard. The letter box fill will not be noticeable.

    Different monitor layouts will have more or less letterbox effect.

    Unlike Operate where graphics stretch and fill space, Live keeps aspect ratio and shapes do not distort.

    Aspect ratio is king....

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    That's a perfectly reasonable answer! I did not understand what the FIT was trying to do. Thanks
  • In reply to TreyB:


    Just to finish up, the "Fit to Display Frame" allows you to set the display size to fit a particular Layout Display frame during configuration of the Display. It is not a dynamic setting for run time.

    I struggled with this a bit because the Display Frame size is derived from your Monitor Size, and how you carve up the screen. the documentation encourages you to forget about monitor resolution and that you can simply define the monitor screen size to match the physical monitor. when you do, a 1 inch GEM will appear on the screen to be 1 inch in size. But in reality, whether I'm on a 15 inch, 22 inch, 24 inch or 52 inch HD monitor, with the same functional layout (toolbar, one Display, Alarm Banner) the size of the GEM needs to be relative to the monitor size, not 1 inch on all of them.

    The size of the Display needs to be set relative to the size of your GEMs in the library. the default library GEMs are appropriately sized for a 24 inch monitor layout with an alarm Banner and a graphics display frame. your single monitor alarm banner and graphics display frames should therefore be in this ball park.

    The Aspect ratio is critical to minimize Letter Boxing. So you can use the Fit to Display Frame initially to find the Aspect Ratio of your target Display Frame, Set the "Lock Aspect Ratio" and if needed adjust the size of the display to show your GEM's in the desired relative size. The default display templates out of the box are consistent with the default Gem Library. You can use them as a guide line.

    Both Fit to display frame and Lock Aspect Ratio are configuration side settings that help you define the size of the display. At runtime, DeltaV Live will maximize the display in a frame until it hits the vertical or horizontal size, and letterbox the sides or top/bottom. It never stretches a dimension.

    Tips: Make all your display frames for your displays similar in aspect ratio. Their size is not that important as every display will fill the display frame based on aspect ratio.

    The size of a monitor will impact the relative size of the Tool menu and Navigation bar. These two items are tied to the monitor size such that they are the same physical size on any monitor, if the screen size matches the physical size. If you use a large 4K monitor for an Operator station, and place 4 Dynamic display frames, you might find the Tool menu or navigation bars smaller than you like. The fix is to change the screen monitor size in the layout to be smaller. This will cause these items to be bigger on screen. this will change the layout Display Frame sizes, but we don't care. Note that making the monitor size smaller will steal vertical space from the display area as the menu and navigation bars get taller. As long as Aspect Ratio is aligned with Displays, all will appear perfectly.

    consider making your alarm banner display shorter than you need so you can make the alarm banner display frame thinner as you seek to adjust the navigation and tool menu without changing the main Display areas. You'll end up with letterboxing on top/bottom of alarm banner, but maximize the main display areas on all stations.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    what a headache screen layouts are....

    anyways. almost there after 3 hours..

    Now I have a display opening in my display frame i have set for my alarm banner. I have displayfram1 set to dynamic with OVERVIEW selected. I have an alarm banner below it DisplayFrame7 with Static selected and AlarmBan_b set. Then my Target Display Frame is set to DisplayFrame1.. so that all makes sense. But Live is loading with no AlarmBan_b in DisplayFrame7, but actually it is loading OVERVIEW.
  • In reply to TreyB:

    I should appears this is happening even when I have DisplayFrame7 with now Target Display Frame set.