I have 2 separate DeltaV systems that need some limited transfer of signals to happen between them. We investigated Intra-Zone Servers, but the cost was too prohibitive. We do, however, have an EIOC installed for each system, configured for EtherNet/IP.
We connected the 2 systems together via a network of switches and fiber. The problem we're seeing is we haven't the foggiest how to set up a DeltaV-to-DeltaV transfer in the software. We have examples of Rockwell ControlLogix PLC communications and other ancillary systems, but none of those has been able to fully prepare us for this task.
For our discussion, let's call the 2 DeltaV systems SYSTEM_A and SYSTEM_B.
Each system has a configured EIOC. Let's call them EIOC_A and EIOC_B. Both have P01 configured for EtherNet/IP Protocol (Port 44818).
The IP addresses (like it really matters, but I'll include them for the discussion) are as follows:
EIOC_A/P01: Mask for both: redundancy on either.
I configured a new device for both:
EIOC_A/P01/DELTAV_B_EIOC (Configured with IP (Configured with IP
This was all pretty straightforward. The problem I have is creating logical devices and signals and linking them to the signals/modules in the remote EIOC. This is where it all falls apart and I have no idea how to proceed.
What Messaging Class is best for communicating with DeltaV?
Once the ideal logical device is configured, how do I create a signal to link to the other EIOC? I assume I will need some sort of landing module that references this signal, but so far, any combination I have tried has not worked correctly.
Has anyone configured or even come across anything like this?
I am still working with both Emerson and our Impact Partner, so if we come across a solution outside of this forum, I'll try to post it for all to benefit.
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