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Prompt That Only Requires Acknowledgement


Is there a way to issue a prompt that only requires a user to acknowledge the prompt?  I am looking to see if its possible to create a prompt, other than a Boolean (34nn), where I wouldn't have to select Yes or No, and instead could just hit one button to acknowledge the prompt which would continue to the next step in the phase?

Thank you for the help.

3 Replies

  • Hi,

    If you are using standard PCSD shell then you can do it through OAR composite.

    OAR composite gives you the option to generate an "OK type" of prompt.

    You need to set '^/FAIL_MONITOR/OAR/TYPE.CV' := 'GEX_OAR_TYPE_BOI:OK Input'; (* Type of prompt *)

    Best Regards,
  • You don't have to pick Yes or No with this prompt, it will default to NO but you can Acknowledge the prompt without selecting, logic waits for REQUEST = 0 and logic moves onto your next step.
  • Why not just use a toggle value parameter, then in the module use an action or calc block to reset the toggle back to zero" when it is = 1. We use this all the time for start buttons & reset buttons.