Using an ABB EDP300 SMART positioner with DeltaV

Hi, we are using deltav 11.3.1 with PCSD modules for PID control. The AO function block is connected to a HART enabled channel connected to an ABB EDP300 smart positioner. The module AO/XD_SCALE was set at 0-100 no units but since connecting with the EDP300, is being over-written online with 4-20 mA. Im unable to change the units and scale upper and lower values in the EDP300 to 0-100. As a result, the vertical bar on the PCSD Loop faceplate that represents output goes full scale when the output exceeds 20, therefore no visualisation of 20-100 output range.

Has anyone successfully integrated an ABB EDP300 smart positioner with a DeltaV PCSD module?

18 Replies

  • In reply to James Beall:

    James - I've been trying to figure out a way to adjust the electrical scales (4-20 mA, 0-10 VDC) on the READBACK such that they are different than the output electrical scale. The positioner gives me a 2-10VDC signal and I'm bringing it into a 0-10VDC charm, so i need to be able to have a different scale on the readback without changing the scale on my output. Has tech support provided any information?
  • In reply to Alex Lutz:

    Is this a different application than the one started by Stuart Jolley? If so, I suggest you start a new post. Note that in Stuart's case, the Readback was brought in via HART on the AO channel. In your case, you appear to have a separate AO from the positioner to a DeltaV AI. In this case, you can simply use the XD and OUT scales on the AI block to convert the signal (if I understand the situation correctly).
  • Hello Stuart,

    Can you please elaborate, did you get correct indication on face plate?
    How's that integrated successfully?