I have a customer that has a drum with material that is limited in how much they can use each day. I'm trying to figure out how I can basically add up the loss in weight of the drum. The other difficulty is that they can fill up the drum with the material, so if the weight increases, I need to make sure that it is not being counted against the weight of material used that day, or even subtracts from the weight used. This is what I have come up so far
Basically I am reading the weight of the drum, and the weight with a dead time. Then I subtract the weight and the weight with a deadtime. I put in a condition that the current weight must be less than the weight with deadtime, then it goes into an integrator block. The DTE is to do a reset every day. The problem I am having is that the integrator block is not doing what I thought it would do. So if I simulate a loss of 10 lbs, it only is counting during the deadtime, and is not adding up to 10 lbs. I guess every scan if it sees a difference of 10, it would keep adding 10. Any idea how I might better approach this? Thanks.
In reply to Jeffrey Mach:
In reply to rhamlin:
In that case, then it seems easy enough to use the method I described, with one more bit of code: you need to ignore the removal of the drum. One way to do that is to set a large change in weight (greater than what you could see during one time interval of normal use, but less than lifting the drum off the scale), then do not count that as a "use." Depending on how fast you measure, versus how fast they lift the drum, you could get false measurement if it reads the scale part-way into the lift. If that is a problem, you could integrate a switch to suspend the measurement while removing and reloading the drum. This does open you up to having operators fail to turn the measurement back on, unless you engineer the switch into the system. Could a switch be placed on whatever holds the drum in place? I am a big proponent of not adding items to checklist and instead embedding sensors in a way that is transparent to the operator (part of what they were going to be doing anyway).
Andre Dicaire