Here is my challenge, I would like the operators environment to...
1) Not have Download functionality, but have Upload functionality.
2) Not be able to get to "DeltaV Operate Configure" via "Ctrl-w" or Quick edit.
So far, this is what I learned.
1) You can change the Function Security of "DOWNLOAD_CONFIG" in DeltaV Explorer to a lock the operator does not have, which protects downloading a single module, which is good.
2) The "UPLOAD_CONFIG" is set to a lock that they do have, so that is good. Now they can Upload but not Download.
3) When I change "CHANGE_CONFIG_DB" to a lock they do not have, it takes away the "quick edit" and "ctrl-w" which is good, but I loose "UPLOAD_CONFIG" as well.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
In reply to Mahesh Gogade:
In reply to Lance Dusing: