"Alert Monitor- Alert List " is blank in AMS Device Manager: Please help

I am an E & IC Intern researching into the capabilities of AMS Device Manager in a Chemical plant. Having read about Alert Monitor and its functions, I decided to check it out in one of the Pro and ProPlus stations. I discovered that there were no data at all in the Alert Monitor-Alert List screen.  From the research I made online, I observed that the Alert Monitor-Alert List screen ought to look like what I  paste below:


However, the real situation at the Pro and ProPlus station at my end( image at the right) has no value( I mean no alert at all) ; every thing is blank. How can I enable the Alert Monitor, please.

  • In reply to Jonas Berge:

    @Jonas, yea, all the AI and AO cards are enable and there are no communications errors.
  • In reply to Vikky:

    Would the installation of AMS Device Manager hotfix make any impact in this regard?
  • Hi Tinh,
    Would it be possible to get a copy of that paper too?
    Glynn Mitchell | E&I Control Specialist
    US Nitrogen LLC | 471 Pottertown Road, Midway TN 37809
    Office:  +1.423.422.3166 | Fax: +1.423.422.2050 | Email:  glynn.mitchell@austinpowder.com | www.austinpowder.com
  • In reply to glynnmmitchell:

    NP, I will forward it.
  • In reply to Tinh Phan:

    Could the installation of Hotfix be of help in this regard?
  • In reply to Vikky:

    Still unable to figure this out. Thanks all for your contributions. Moving on to the next research on other capabilities of DeltaV applications
  • In reply to Vikky:

    Hello Vikky,  I forgot to mention this earlier.  There is an option to poll the alerts.  It is set to 1 hour.  You might want to go to Tools>Options and change the poling rate to 1 minutes instead of hours.  You will need to do the same when you go and assign the device to alert monitor.  Once you assign it to the alert monitor but before saving it, double click on the device and you will see the alert polling rate for the device.  Change that to 1 minute also. See my screen shot.

    If this don't work, please call Global Service Center for support.  There mybe an installation issue.  Good Luck Tinh


  • In reply to Tinh Phan:

    Found the following in AMS DM Books On Line:

    Polling Rate

    Sets the polling rate for all HART, PROFIBUS DPV1, or PROFIBUS PA devices added to the Device Monitor List from the local station. This includes devices that are not connected to the local station.

    WirelessHART devices not on a DeltaV system are not polled. For these devices, the gateway sends alerts to AMS Device Manager.


    By default, AMS Device Manager does not poll for HART alerts when co-deployed with DeltaV versions 10.3 or higher. DeltaV forwards the alerts to AMS Device Manager as the alerts are received, so they function similarly to FOUNDATION fieldbus alerts. If the AMS Device Manager Servers are shut down or alert monitoring is disabled when an alert occurs or clears, Alert Monitor will not be updated.

    The note explains that Polling is not used with DeltaV.  The Polling feature is used for all other connectors, except for WirelessHART Gateways that also forward alerts to AMS. It does indicate that Polling must be enabled for Alert Monitor to be updated, but the Polling rate is for non-DeltaV devices.  As Tinh shows, the Polling Rate settings are available on all DeltaV devices added to the Alert Monitor, but I think this is ignored if the data comes from DeltaV.  There is another Note under Alert Monitor polling factor that also states "HART-based Open Enterprise netowrks and Det-Tronics networks provide alert data and do not rely on AMS device Manager to poll them."

    Our systems are set with Polling Rate of 1 Hour, yet our DeltaV alerts propagate to AMS Alert Monitor within seconds of being triggered.  I don't think setting the polling rate to 1 minute would have any effect, but could trigger a warning in AMS DM that you've exceeded a communication threshold for polled device.  The Online Help indicates this alert can be ignored for DeltaV. 

    I agree with Tinh that if you are still having issues, you should log a call with the GSC and have them work this with you in a more methodical approach.  We've obviously missed something for this not to be working by now.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thanks Tinh and Andre for your inputs. @ Tinh, all of these were done initially all to no avail. We have called the GSC guys; all their suggestions were tried and still, no result.May be the application was wrongly installed. ..just, maybe.
  • In reply to Vikky:

    Sorry to hear this is still unresolved. Obviously this works and is used in thousands of DeltaV systems. I don't like to use the "reinstall" approach, but sometimes that is the quickest path to resolution. It doesn't tell us what the root cause was. Having someone logon remotely or getting a qualified service engineer to site might be the next step, and if needed they could assist in the re-installation of AMS Device manager.

    Please let us know what the eventual resolution is, in case it is useful to the rest of the community.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Okay, I will. Thanks.