Hello guys,
I have a project with an ProPlus engineering station(ES) and two operator stations(OS). There was a fault with one of the OS and it is in for repair. In the mean time we installed DeltaV on an office PC with the appropriate hardware. Connectivity is fine, but there seems to be another problem. Initially when I made the project back in 2014, I managed to remove the sidebar which you can see on the image below. All my pictures are made to fit in the whole width of the window, not only 3/4 of it and now it squeezes them in the space left of the sidebar. When downloading the project to the Emerson provided computers the project is as in the ES. There may be a difference in the Windows installations because it is not from an Emerson Dell PC disc image, but rather a normal Lenovo OEM Windows 7... I don't know.
Can you refresh my memory how to remove the sidebar, because I cannot find any information on the layout change and I cannot remember what I did... 4 years ago :D
Thank you!
Best Regards,
Nikola Hadjinikolov
The quickest way to get the format you want is to check the "DeltaV User Settings" on the DeltaV Edit Toolbar and check the "Bypass 16:Y Panel Layout" where Y could be 9 or 10 depending on the monitor resolution you are using.
Probably the best method is to edit Layout file to configure the environment exactly how you like but this is difficult for some to edit and/or understand and get the file named properly to get your configuration working. If interested in this route here is layout file usage:
Be aware that Layout file usage will overwrite any initial picture settings that are updated in the UserSettings script.
In reply to Matt Stoner: