
I have one question about terminal boards for  S series controllers.

for DIGITAL & ANALOG terminal boards in marshalling cabinet 

should we consider 2 power supply -24v for them?

do they need to power supply 24v ?

 thnankyou so much

  • Hi

    Normaly consider + 24 vdc power supply redundant .


  • The S-series 8-wide carrier has two power options for the IO Cards. It has two internal power distribution busses, with one connected to ODD numbered cards and the other to the Even Numbered cards. This allows you to power all eight cards with two 24 V Power supply feeds. The reason for two busses is to ensure that redundant cards have separate power feeds to the primary and secondary cards. You can choose to feed primary and secondary cards from different power supplies or use a redundancy module to create a redundant power to all connections.

    The buses are connected to the cards with the standard Power Plug. Alternatively you can use the Power terminal and wire power directly to each card. This is useful also to bring AC power to AC discrete cards.

    Most customers will install redundant power supplies via a redundancy module to power a 24 V distribution bus, and then wire a fused supply to the IO power terminals (either to the bus or to power terminals). Note. Simply wiring two power supplies to the bus does not make them redundant. It increases the power capacity. Without the redundancy module, there are fault conditions that could bring down both supplies.

    The power supply can be a single point of failure that can disable all the IO channels, so it is often installed as redundant to meet system availability needs. DeltaV Books on line provides information on how to connect 24 volt field power to the IO Cards.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    thankyou for your complete reply.

    is it true or not? : we have mass connection boards in S-Series controllers in marshallng cabinets ,and they need power supply to enable channels. we should provide 24VDC for digital mass connection boards.
    ofcourse in M-Series we dont need to provide power (24 vdc) for digital boards in marshalling cab..
  • In reply to DeltaV User :

    We do have mass connection solutions for both M-series and S-series for discrete I/O cards and some of the boards do require 24V DC power; you can find Product Data Sheets online for both S- and M-series:

    The S-series mass connection solutions also covers analog I/O cards, and soon the M-series solution will as well. Please stay tuned.

    I hope this answered your question.
