Adding Traditional I/O on Live System

When adding traditional I/O to a live system, is it better to insert the card first into the rack and then add in DeltaV Explorer, is the opposite better, or does it even matter?

  • I have always added the card to the rack first. Then configured on Explorer.
  • I don't think it matters. Normally when we're implementing projects, we create the placeholders for the cards first in DeltaV Explorer. Then when we commission and test the cards during the hardware factory acceptance test.
  • it doesnt matters,however normal procedure most of the projects follows is :-
    Step 1 :- Create a placeholder(Card properties,slot no etc etc) in the DeltaV Explorer with required channel configuration(Tag names)
    Step 2:- Commision the IO Card, at slot as per your project design.
    Step 3:- Download the IO card only.
    Step 4 :- Check the status of IO Card, Healthy /Bad .

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