I'm going to connect a few MSA gas detectors to DeltaV M series via Modbus RTU. However I used Modbus with other PLCs and DCSs, it will be my first experience with Modbus communicating in DeltaV. Could you please define a procedure or introduce source and documents, I can use?
In reply to fairchdm:
VIM cards are manufactured by Emerson nowadays. Only thing is that the Modbus TCP/IP driver for the VIM card is developed and delivered by Mynah. In Europe the driver can be obtained through Emerson (I am not sure about other regions). Are you using serial Modbus or Modbus over TCP/IP? For the first you should use the DeltaV Serial Card.
In reply to dave_marshall:
In reply to Alan K:
In reply to bardia61:
In reply to Steve Linehan:
Hopefully I can summarize this issue and clarify some of the points that have been made about the VIMs' capabilities in this thread. 1. The VIM only has an Ethernet port; therefore, it only supports Industrial Ethernet protocols directly (like Modbus TCP/IP). A Modbus TCP/RTU gateway can be used to allow the Modbus TCP/IP VIM to communicate to Modbus RTU devices. 2. The VIMs support Modbus TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, and PROFINET Industrial Ethernet protocols. A VIM can only support one protocol. A single VIM cannot simultaneously communicate via Modbus TCP/IP and EtherNet/IP for instance. At best you can have two VIMs connected to a single controller where each VIM uses a different protocol. If you are looking to integrate a set of Modbus RTU devices to DeltaV then you have several options: Option 1.a: DeltaV Serial Card with Standard Firmware - The DeltaV Serial Card is shipped with Modbus RTU firmware. Option 1.b: DeltaV Serial Card with Enhanced Modbus RTU firmware - This firmware is developed by MYNAH Technologies. This firmware will allow you to integrate devices that use extended Modbus Addresses (40,000/400,000 for Holding Register ranges for instance). Option 2: DeltaV Virtual IO Module 2 (VIM2) flashed with Modbus TCP/IP firmware (IOD-4111) in combination with a Modbus RTU/TCP gateway. -- Now, putting all of that aside, you mentioned that you are integrating Allen Bradley PLCs. Using Modbus to integrate Allen Bradley PLCs is possible but it is not the most common approach. Without knowing anything about your configuration, I would recommend using a VIM2 with EtherNet/IP firmware to integrate Allen Bradley PLCs rather than using Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP/IP. All Allen Bradley PLCs support EtherNet/IP if there is an Ethernet port. If you are using an older PLC that does not have an Ethernet interface (such as some models of the SLC and Micrologix), then you can use the 1761-NET-ENI to add an Ethernet port. If you are using a more modern PLC (CompactLogix or a ControlLogix for instance) then the most logical integration path is definitely to use EtherNet/IP. If you have any further questions about the VIMs, feel free to open a support ticket at MYNAH.com. We can help you with pre-sales questions without a support contract.
In reply to Jake Nichelson: