Dear all,
in my plant the ups failed so we resorted to using our blackstart gen as ups to power our pro plus server while work is going on to get the ups going. but eventually the black start gen developed problems too and we started having on and off erratic power supply to the system which shutdown the pro plus and controllers without going through the normal shutdown process this happened a couple of times before our power was restored to normalcy. when power was normalized, we powered the system the pro plus, app station and operator stations all came on and deltav operate runs fine on all. but when we tried to lunch explorer from the pro plus we got this message
"Connected with the database server but failed to open a database connection. please read read specific message below and take appropriate action.
failed to open the database. please check the event log on the pro plus for details.
we checked the event log but all it says was error with time and date
it is a version 7.2
In reply to victor:
In reply to AdrianOffield:
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire: