development system

Good Afternoon,

I had a quick question- I am trying to set up a development system. I have all the correct licenses loaded and assigned and can download the proplus successfully, but when i assign modules to the proplus to download (for simulation purposes), I get following error. I dont seem to get it for all module types, just anything with a PID or a DC Function Block in it, or a Unit Module, etc. Not sure what the reason is. I do know another system with similar licensing seems to be working fine. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


9 Replies

  • Sorry picture didn't attach. Following is error i receive during a download-
    'ERROR: one or more modules assigned to the workstation 'xxxx' has a control level of regulatory or batch. Please unassign the following modules or function blocks before downloading: FICxxx, HSxxx, <Unit Module Name>'
  • In reply to imh301:

    Hello, imh301. If you would like to add a photo to your post, follow these quick steps:

    1. Under the post there is a blue button that reads More, choose EDIT

    2. Put the curser where you want the image to land and Choose the Insert/Edit Media Button from the toolbar above the test field and you'll see this graphic, upload and choose insert

    3 Click Insert 

    4. Hit Post

    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast

  • It would be nice (i.e., I'm requesting as a feature) if users that interact with Emerson Exchange 365 via e-mail could also attach pictures to their posts. When using e-mail to post, you don't know your image didn't show up until you see the results of the post.
  • In reply to SBPosey:

    We agree, ! I'll discuss this with our platform provider and see what options we have for the future. Thanks for the feedback :)

    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast

  • Sounds like you have a licensed production system, rather than a Development Key. The local virtual controller on the Pro Plus and Application Stations are enabled differently if the system has a production Key versus a Simulate Multi Node/Stand alone. There is also a Development Key license that is purchased that has an expiration time. A production license key has DST licensing that applies to the system, while simulate and development keys are node based and do not apply DST licensing.

    The message looks like what you get when downloading a production license system with a module containing these blocks. Can you confirm if your development system is a production Key license? Does it have assigned System DST's and/or IO DST licenses? If it does, it is a production license and these blocks are not permitted. You will need a physical controller do download to, or you will need to use a Simulate/Development license Key to use the virtual controller.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thanks Andre. Is this something new? I recall being able to have done this in the past. I could be wrong. But yes you are correct, it was a production system id. When i changed to standalone dongle, it all worked fine. Thanks for the helpful info!
  • In reply to imh301:

    It has been like this as long as I can remember. Prior to v12, there were DST licenses required for CALC and ALM blocks assigned to a workstation. V12 has removed these for convenience of users. Assigning PID and DC block modules to App station and Pro Plus is supported for Operator Training Systems which use Simulate licensing, not production. Development Keys were introduced to allow engineering and integration providers for a defined period of time rather than they buy a permanently licensed system. They too support the simulation of modules for development purposes.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    I was mistaken then. I really appreciate your valuable feedback. Helped clear up my understanding. Thanks!