How far is a PID block allowed to wind up when HighLimited on BKCAL_IN

I have two PID loops (FIC and PIC) whos output goes to Control Selector Block (set to minimum select), which goes to an Analog Output block.  The majority of time the FIC has control (lowest output).  The Control Selector Block is doing its job by sending back "Good Cascade NotSelected Highlimited" to the BKCAL_IN of the PIC.  The PIC is doing its job by not winding up too far, because it is HighLimited.  What I don't know, or can't find any information on, is how far is the output of the PIC allowed to wind up?  Any feedback is appreciated.  Thanks!

  • The not selected PID in a Control Selector scheme has it's integral action disabled (the NotSelected sub status tells the PID to do that). So when not selected the PID acts as a PURE Proportional PID (plus derivative if configured). In that situation the output will be (SP - PV) * Gain.