MQ Controller CPU Performance

I have a redundant MQ controller that runs at 19% CPU free time with periods down to 10%.  There is plenty of free memory at all times.  Will an MX controller improve performance?  We are at v10.3 and looking to upgrade to v12.3.

5 Replies

  • Nothing in the data sheets gives any hard data on CPU or performance. Although after going through a number of upgrades, I've compared the freetime before and after. Upgrading from an MD+ to an MQ increases the CPU freetime by 14%. Upgrading from an MD+ to an MX increases the CPU freetime by 29%. This give me confidence that an MX has better performance than an MQ.
  • In reply to cdblackwell:

    The MX controller will increase an array of resources, including CPU, Memory and various communication parameters. When comparing CPU performance before and after, it can be misleading to use the CPU FREETIM parameter. The MX controller provides significantly more CPU than an MD+ controller. An increase in CPU Freetime of 29% (e.g. from 50% to 79 %), means the CPU Load went from 50% to 21%, or less than half. The general rule is the MX provides twice the CPU for control that the MD+ did.

    The MQ is also rated as a 750 DST controller, which is half the MX 1500 DST (same as an MD+), but the MQ does provide a bit more horsepower than an MD+.

    The other changes are in the maximum number of Values per second for unsolicited data communications, from 2000/sec in the MD+/MQ to 4000/sec in the MX. You can see the additional resource limits in Books On Line System Capacity tables.

    Upgrading to an MX will definitely get you back into the recommended FreeTime range.

    Andre Dicaire

  • One small thing: after the upgrade to v12.3 you won't be able to directly compare the before/after FreeTime. DeltaV 12.3 uses other indicators to measure controller performance. FreeTime has been phased out.
  • In reply to István Orbán:

    What are the other indicators in Version 12.3 that measure controller performance?
  • In reply to Tim Schlotterback:

    If you have the controller running, go to diagnostics, right click on the controller and then select "Time Utilization Chart." I am running a virtual 12.3.0 controller and a virtual 12.3.1 controller and they have different items displayed. If your controller is v 12.3.0 there is Help...Help on Performance Monitor. If your controller is v 12.3.1, there is a hyperlink "What do these ratings mean?"