DeltaV operate

Hello everyone;

I can not start the DeltaV operate it gives me the following error

see the attached picture

thanks for your help.

Best regards.

Butler faith.

  • Not many people are able to read the Franglais language used in the pictures... ;-)

    So - a compile error occurs in a script which is about to be executed.
    Assuming all Emerson delivered scripts would run without problems, you can concentrate on user-developed scripts.
    The user developed script used in startup is the usersettings script. You should have a look here to see whether a sub and/or class is called which is non-existing.
    Did you compile this script before saving?
    What (french) version is used?
  • Googling "ClassFactory" indicates that it is likely a Microsoft Office issue. Is Office installed on this machine? Do you have embedded Office objects on DeltaV graphics?
  • Is this a new workstation, or did this just arise on an existing node? I would run regall -register and observe the results. Make sure you know the deltavadmin password before doing so. It appears to be tying to open a class with a bad registration or missing object.
  • Hi / Salut
    Cette erreur apparait lorsqu'une procédure utilisant une gestion d'erreur se termine en rencontrant le 'ErrorHandler'.
    Faute classique : Il manque un 'Exit Sub' à la fin de la procédure, juste avant le label désigné par la gestion d'erreur 'On Error Goto xxxx'
    This error comes when a procedure ends by execution of ErrorHandle.
    This is a common error : Just add an 'Exit Sub' at the end of the procedure, just before the label that is used to link the error handling (see the 'On error Goto' statement)

  • In reply to Jack_France:

    Super impressed by the multi-lingual problem solving occurring in this thread--Kudos to all chiming in! Do let the community know if any of the solutions proposed resolved your issue. . You can do so by choosing "Verify Answer" at the bottom of the reply.

    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast

  • In reply to Maarten van der Waal:

    Hello ;
    As regards the version I 11.3.1
    And I tried to compile it gives me the following message:

    Best regards.

    Butler faith.

  • In reply to Maarten van der Waal:

    Hello Maarten van der Waal ;

    Thank you for your reply

    As regards the version I 11.3.1.
    And I tried to compile it gives me the following message:

    Compile error :
    Out of memory.

    For example
    Can't find "frsTrace"

    Best regards.

    Best regards.

    Butler faith.