Control Module From Faceplate


I convert logic from 10.3 to 12.3 and also graphics.Now from faceplate Control module is not opening.

Following Error Appeared.

Error Number :53 (35)

File not found.

6 Replies

  • The executable name of control studio has changed in version 12 to dvcs.exe (from cs.exe).
    What is likely happening is that your faceplate button is not launching control studio using the standard frs function call appropriate for your version (perhaps you have frsruntask "cs.exe"?)
  • In reply to Youssef.El-Bahtimy:

    I haven't make any changes yet.I didn't found frsruntask in the Dynamos Script.
  • I too am getting this error when I try and open up Control Studio after a DeltaV 10.3.1 upgrade to DeltaV 12.3.1.
    I have looked at the button in DeltaV Operate Configure and it is mapped to the global variable frszDynamoOpenCS. I cannot find where this global variable is defined. I suspect that it is still pointing at C:\Deltav\bin\cs.exe and needs to point at C:\Deltav\bin\dvcs.exe .

    Does anyone know how to look at the iFix global variables?
  • In reply to NT4MaximusD:

    When you upgraded, did you copy the .fxg files from the existing system and simply place them in the new system? Instead, try only copying over the graphic files that you know were updated during the lifetime of the previous system (look at the modified date).

    I suspect that you overwrote one of the system .fxg files that are managed by Emerson with the older version (perhaps you copied over the entire grafix-ifix folder from old to new version).
  • In reply to NT4MaximusD:

    Are you able to resolve the issue.
    I copied the whole folder from the V 10.3 to V 12.3.
  • In reply to NT4MaximusD:

    In general, if you see anything starting with an "FRSZ," that is a factory-protected object that isn't accessible for view/edit, as it's locked in the VBA project. There are also many disclaimers stating that the operation of these functions and variables can change between DeltaV versions.

    Assuming the VBA in your faceplate is correct. frszDynamoOpenCS utilizes the frsVariables | apps_glb | gs_control_studio_exe variable to determine the application name to launch. You can verify what this variable is defined as in Operate (Configure), and browse to the above path under the Globals folder. If InitialValue is cs, then you're using an old version of frsVariables. **DO NOT EDIT FRSVARIABLES IN-PLACE!!** This is changed between DeltaV versions, and you could wind up with much worse OI problems at your next upgrade.

    I'd suggest going to C:\DeltaV\iFix\PIC and copying all of the files with extension "FXG" to your DVDATA\Graphics-iFix\PIC directory. Exclude SIGlobals.fxg and User.fxg, as these are meant for customization by integrators and end users, and there may be custom scripting / variables in these files.

    Re-open Operate (Configure) and check the value of gs_control_studio_exe (CS or DVCS?). Switch to Run mode and make sure the faceplate button works.

    Also, I very much agree with Adrian's comment. While DeltaV is designed to be easy to install and use, upgrading a system is a non-trivial set of tasks, and many things can go wrong. As an LBP who's done more than a few upgrades, experienced Emerson support is crucial to project success.