MPM not communicating with DCS via serial communication

Hi Everyone,
Does anyone has experience in interfacing MPM meter via serial interface to DeltaV Serial ?  Currently, they are not able to communicate with DeltaV serial card and claiming that Serial card needs to have
 whole set of resistors (120 ohms termination resistor and pull up/down resistors) and an external power supply to provide the bias voltage (MPM meter serial port cannot provide the bias voltage); otherwise , according to them, it will be impossible to establish communication with the MPM meter. According to them some serial modules comes with internal pull up/down resistors; assuming that the DCS serial module has internal pull up/down resistors, only the 120ohms termination resistor is required. Can anyone confirm whether DeltaV serial card module has internal resistors.
  • Hello,

    We had a similar problem but with different device. Eventually the communication stated working after we removed this 120 Ohm(also required by slave device manual) resistor. No pull-up or pull-down resistor was need, even though the manual required one.
    I guess you have done this already: double check Port configuration to match the ones from device.
    Take a good look at the registers you want to read from this device. Standard DeltaV Serial card can read holding registers from 40001 to 49999. Maybe your device is using the higher register range from 400001 or 450001. Count the "zeros" corectly. If it is the case you need a firmware from Mynah to upgrade the Serial Card to Programmable Serial Card with IOD-1134 firwmare.
  • In reply to Antoniu Barabas:

    Thank you for sharing your experience. When you said remove the 120 Ohm resistors , which device are you referring to Slave or Master side? Mynah is Modbus TCP, Isn't it? I am talking about Modbus RTU for serial card.
    I will try your other suggestions to see whether the chellenges can be over come.

    Thank you.
  • In reply to cbpun:

    Regarding resistor: from what I know you need 1 x 120 Ohm resistor on Master end (DeltaV) and 1 x 120 Ohm Resistor on Salve end only if the distance is quite long(can't tell you exact "quite long" how many meters it means). In my case we had around 100 m distance and it was not needed. Maybe you don't need not even for 200 m. Have you tried with 2 resistors, one at each end? Do you have more slaves on the line or only DeltaV Serial card and only one device at the other end? IF you have more, then in case of long distances you need resistors only at the ends of the bus(DeltaV and last device on segment), not at intermediate devices.

    Regarding Mynah. the most common product regarding Modbus is the VIM card which is using Modbus TCP. They have a lot more other products like firmwares for standard Serial Card for Modbus RTU. This firmwares are some files. You use DeltaV Upgrade Utility tool to upgrade the DeltaV Serial Card with this firmwares to Programmable Serial Card. One of this firmwares is IOD-1134 Enhanced Modbus Driver which allows you to access all Modbus RTU registres addresses, all which the standard Serial Card can't, for example Holding Registers over 49999, incuding registers over 400001 or even over 450001.
    Mynah has around 40 of this type of firmwares. You can see them on their page:

    In order to make some troubleshoot I would recommend to start with simple configuration. In case you have to possibility change device setting to RS485 Half-duplex and also on DeltaV side so you use only 2 wires (+ common port settings). Start configuring the datasets by reading only 1 data or maximum 10. I assume you need holding registers. Don't start from the begining of the registers with 40000 , try to read one register somewhere in between, for example the 40010 register or which ever has some value. If it start communicating with simple configuration then you slowly build up your required configuration.

    There is a software called Modbus32 which can read Modbus RTU registers from any device, just for checking if the communication is working. It works on your normal computer/laptop but you need to have a serial connection.
  • In reply to Antoniu Barabas:

    Thank you very much for excellent advise. :)
  • In reply to cbpun:

    Excellent account of a proposed solution. Thanks, !

    Best Regards,

    Rachelle McWright: Business Development Manager, Dynamic Simulation: U.S. Gulf Coast