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PCSD Unit Banner Dynamo


I have several PCSD based units which have parallel phases active.  The PCSD unit banner displays each phase on a tab strip and this is great.  What I am looking for is a way to make the most recently activated phase either be the first tab, or have it's tab automatically displayed once the phase loads and starts.

The reason for this is that usually the parallel phase is mundane (controlling an agitator or some such), and all of the action is happening in the other phases.  By default, the mundane phase will take or work it's way to the first tab and always be displayed.



3 Replies

  • Dave,

    Yes this could be done but you will be changing SIGlobals which isn't suggested.

    It currently just adds the tabs in the order that the phases are loaded (same order that shows on the Unit faceplate).

    This could be accomplished by changing from starting at the end (num phases) and decrementing.

    If you do this, I would suggest moving the dynamo and/or modified logic to User and do the change so you are not changing SIGlobals.

  • Hi Matt,
    Thank you for your reply.  I was able to easily find and reverse the order of the tabs being displayed.  However, what has left me scratching my head is correcting what the tabs display.  It seems as though regardless of my tab order, the data displayed on the tab is still in order of the phases loaded in the controller.  I cannot seem to find where to manipulate this display in relation to the tabs.
    Can you point me in the right direction?
  • In reply to dave_marshall:


    The links are setup based on the value of the Tabstrip, you will need to modify this logic to change to be the (NumPhases - TabStrip.Value) instead of the Tabstrip. In my version of PCSD it is done via the logic below:

       pn_SelectedPhase1.CurrentValue = tabPhaseList.Value + 1
       sPhaseLink = "DVSYS." & txtUnit1.Caption & "/P" & Trim(Str(pn_SelectedPhase1.CurrentValue))
       hcdSetBatchBanerAnimationSources dynMsgBanner, sPhaseLink, pb_ShowPrompts1

    I think changing to this will work for you:

       pn_SelectedPhase1.CurrentValue = pn_NumPhases.CurrentValue - tabPhaseList.Value
       sPhaseLink = "DVSYS." & txtUnit1.Caption & "/P" & Trim(Str(pn_SelectedPhase1.CurrentValue))
       hcdSetBatchBanerAnimationSources dynMsgBanner, sPhaseLink, pb_ShowPrompts1

    You will essentially need to modify anywhere the pn_SelectedPhase1.CurrentValue is getting updated. The pn_NumPhases variable may have a number but it will be the variable in the grpSettings for that Dynamo

    If you have any issues or questions, give me a call.

