Program Name : Pdesk.exe
"pdesk.exe is a program file which most likely came preinstalled on your computer when you bought it. The exact disk location is also shown below to verfiy it is not spyware, as many spyware programs use similiar names and just locate them elsewhere on your hard drive. Always check the proper disk location of your programs if you are suspicious. This program is from Matrox, and it is a hardware related file that interfaces with your graphics card. This graphics card program goes by the name powerdesk. This will be located at C:\WINNT\system32\PDesk\PDesk.exe "
Pdesk.exe Recommendation : If you play games a lot then you will probably want to keep this icon in the System Tray in order to be able to access quickly some of the many advanced graphics features of the PowerDesk software. If you experience problems with PDESK, ensure you have the latest versions of the PowerDesk software. If you are not a gamer, then disable PDESK on the Startups tab.
The file in the folder is an unistall file. Look through installed programs and see if Powerdesk is installed, try to unistall if possible. Or you might have to reinstall the program to get in functioning or to get it uninstalled..
Or maybe regall.exe /register would help?
Is the computer a genuine DELL DV machine or something else?
Niklas Flykt
Klinkmann Oy
Key Account Manager safety products
In reply to bhushan619:
This is part of a video driver package that is installed with the Matrox video card. Before anyone can comment, what video card are you running? ATI/AMD or Matrox? We use Matrox Extio video cards to give us quad monitors and we need pdesk to enable dialog box positioning.
So it depends on what you have.
I don´t know if the powedesk will give you any more value to the normal screen resolution/ display settings, it just gives you a faster way to change the display settings.
I don´t think (quite sure) that DV isn´t using the program. When you only have one monitor you don´t need these add ons.
You just need the display driver installed.
My suggestion is goto the DELL site with your SERVICE TAG from the server, there you can find alll of the drivers for this machine.
Install/uninstall the desired programs.
The problem propably comes when you shutdown your display and the displaycard/driver sees this... and want´s to perform something.